Abstract | The the article, some of the tensions and potential conflicts inherent in the progress which has been made in health care systems and delivery in much of the developed world, and their implications for nurses as caring, practising scholars will be outlined. The response of the World Health Organisation's European Region (whose Eastern boundary reaches as far as China's Western boundary) to the implications of these challenges for nurse education, both initial and continuing, will be explored. A Strategy for Nurse and Midwife Education, together with factors crucial to its formation and implementation, will be outlined. A new role and the educational preparation for an experienced Family Health Nurse (WHO 1998) will also be described. Parallels will be drawn with health policy developments in the World Health Organisation's Western Pacific Region (WPRO) (WHO 1995) and the relevance to the countries of the Western Pacific of nurse education developments in WHO Europe will be raised for debate in this international gathering of nurses. |