PolyU Library
Journal Call no.P92.A7M45
Article TitleFCB growth spurt causes stir in Asia : "we're sowing the seeds for the future... trying to create the right environment".
Is Part OfMedia : Asia's media & marketing newspaper ; 8 Nov 1996, p.4,illus.
AbstractFoote Cone & Belding (FCB) has caused ripples throughout the industry - buying agencies and people as it moves to establish a fully-fledged Asian network in little more than 18 months. But rather than a rush to make up for lost time in Asia, there is a distinct strategy behind the expansion, according to FCB international president Harry Reid. FCB's China strategy would quadruple its revenue in China in 1997. FCB is already in Beijing and has opened an office in Shanghai as well, going from zero to 52 people in just about six months. The focus in China will be purely on multinational clients.